Unframed Whiteboard Sheet Material offers an affordable, durable and high-quality writing surface in custom sizes. Whether you need full-sized panels or whiteboard pieces custom cut to your needs, pick up some Unframed Whiteboard Sheet Material today and make your next presentation or lecture truly memorable.
Porcelain Steel Skin: 28 ga. Writing surface with no MDF substrate
Non-Magnetic material: Melamine on substrate (either 1/4" or 1/8")
Choose from Magnetic or Non-Magnetic Sheet Material and Magnetic Skins
Unframed Boards are cut and designed to be framed. Edges will be rough. Cut Sheet Material has an edge tolerance of (+ or -) 1/4". Please state that you need Exact Dimensions when ordering.
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delivery is to end of truck only, it will be your responsibility to take the product off the truck and
inside. If you require help bringing the item inside, or other additional services, please request a
quote after adding the item to your cart and a Customer Service Representative will provide you a
detailed quote with pricing for the additional services. If you have any questions or would like to
speak to a Customer Service Representative about your order, or require services beyond inside delivery
or liftgate service, please call 1-800-791-2946.