Riding Toys
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Riding Toys
When the days are nice and you need to get children outside, allow them to ride around on children’s tricycles. Safety is important, so strap them into child size helmets for toddlers and they’ll be all set to ride off. Plastic trikes, metal tricycles, scooters for toddlers, and wagons are all available. Children can now push each other in a wagon and push each other on the toddler tricycles. Further their balance lessons that got started on the child size
Balance Beams by introducing a balance bike. Set up play traffic signs for children to navigate around and play pretend away from the other
Dramatic Play Furniture that’s indoors.Keep the
First Aid Kit handy just in case, but let the students go off on their Riding Toys! Tire the class out with outdoor fun so they’ll be ready for a long nap later.